Sunday, June 8, 2008

Early Birds South -- a hot day and a fast ride

No rest after the race, Sunday is Early Birds day :-)

Today Py got up early as usual and started out at 6:30am for an easy ride to the start -- the mercury already rose to 24C at 85% humidity, feeling really warm already. Today he got even into a little group as M&J joined his ride to the meeting point at about half way -- nice start of an hot day.

A pretty good number of riders showed today. He was little worried about his post race performance today. South route today, his favorite, good. They moved out at a good pace and the whole group nicely worked together, very nice constant fast pace -- he did his best, took no long pulls but mostly floated in high efficiency mode from tail to head and back...
No worthy special occurrences, well, one rider had bad luck and got two flats and Py the chance for a few more photos ;-)

A new (to the route) rider had a little hard time at the end but made it back. Py rode half way back home again with M&J, but left in Wading River towards the Beach to check out the water. Still little chilly, but he enjoyed a little few minutes in the water after a careful slow toes and finger tips to body cool down... felt very nice after that ride. And with temps up in the 33C range no towel needed, he did not had anything but his bike outfit.

C said: Hot day with a hot pace today. You said your computer was not working so well. So, if you didn't already get the average for today, it was 37 km/h (23 mph).

Py's GPS was out of order today, this stupid widget was once again out of battery as he tried to turn it on this morning, and he is 100% sure it was charged up, but about 4 days ago -- these little oddities make Py alway little upset, as he would have especially liked to have some HR&CAD parameters while riding, caring less about the route so. However, it also works all fine without it, even less distractions.

A few photos:

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