Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bike Boat Bike and Py's Fight with the Wind

Yesterday evening Py made up the idea to leave the car home once more to just add a little time in the morning to ride to the start in Mattituck, as this was "only" 38km, he estimates it would take no more than 1h30 including some reserve just in case.

Today's morning he got up early and started out of his door step at about 5:45am. Water was condensing out of the air, all little wet but tropical warm already, about 21C, the sun just at the horizon. Out on 25A the sun just made it above the trees -- he took the direct fastest way, no big deal, as there ware rarely any cars this early on Sunday morning, proceeding on Sound Ave all the way out, it was quite ride, some low sitting dense fog a sections, but absolutely quite and zero wind, yes, no wind, not a bit tail wind as he hoped initially. At exact 1 hour of riding he left Sound Ave and turned into Mattituck,

a few Minutes later he reached the BBB registration desk.

Finally he could do his "morning business", that was good -- did not work this early back home :-)

Meet already a few other riders and rode to the 2nd parking where the A group gathering was planned.

At exact 7:30am a group of about 15 riders stared out towards Love Lane en route BBB. Good moving, nothing exiting.

Just one missed rider. They waited at the 2nd ferry food stop for a while, but he did not showed up within a reasonable time, so they kept going out east on the South Fork and some zigg-zagg return via the Hamptons, long fast haul, Py put some efforts in longer pulls.
Some riders were jumping on the group a the food stops, others dropped. One got some what behind, they waited, but he must got more behind later again and Py did not saw him again. He also rode to the start, Py hopes he made it back...

The food stops were nicely stocked with all you can expect, Clif Bars, Bananas, Orange slices, Nuts, PB&J Sandwiches, plain Water and some undefined Fueled Water Py did not even touched, as he got his own supplies and just needed water and some food, he enjoyed the Oranges a lot :-)

A big huge Thanks to the SBRA BBB organizers and volunteers!

Beyond the last food stop at Canal Rd they moved a while on the EBs South route but turned right on Flanders towards Riverhead, at the junction with 105 Py left the group and started his solo return -- reading about 200km at this point.

The next 16km were strait into a 16mph head wind on a wide open road with a little uphill component on 24 (Flanders/Nugget), always in the little ring spinning at some cadence... moving slow, it seamed never ending. Py dislikes wind, it unpredictable, can change and blowes dirt picked up by cars in his eyes all the time, what was some extra hassle, he better climbs a mountain and being sure to get rewarded by the decent.

Finally reaching the end of that long stretch, he decided not to take the little short way via River Rd/Grumman Blvd but the more wind protected slight rolling nicely paved Mill Rd. A bout half a mile on Mill he stopped to swap his water bottles, one full of clear water left, he added his reserve of sustained energy fuel and minerals and managed the final 19km back to home and did not left out his favorite Wading-River North Country route.

A total of 230km, what a day.

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Her are the Statistics, finally I got it up there:

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