Sunday, September 6, 2009

Early Birds - South flight cutting into strong head wind on Dune Road

Sunday morning procedure as usual... some good ENE wind is blowing and Py experience the first taste of it going East in Grumman Blvd. going to the start. A few strong riders and only some of the usual birds were showing up.

Steady good moving out of the parking lot, some head winds at sections, not too bad until hitting the pen and fully exposed Dune Road. They had to work hard to keep moving -- by this time a head group of about eight birds formed. They got a significant gap in time to the group behind and decided not to wait too long once after the bridge [36.0 km/h average to this point] -- good not to get cold -- and proceeded to the North side of the South Fork. Flying over the few rollers out there toward the Seven-Eleven (Coffee/Snack) stop at 36.5 km/h average. From there a fast wind supported return at almost 40 km/h...

Back at Manorville at 9:57 am.

Some chattn' with buddies in different group out there, which just rolled in from a different ride for a bagel stop. ...and roll home. -- 124 km total.

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