Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday Night Racing Series again

Again the Friday Night Race. This Friday was a really nice and clear sunny evening and a 20+ riders sized B field started for a Circuit run of 15 laps with one (so far unknown and to be announced by the bell intermediate sprint). A little moving around and attempts to get off for the first half, but less later, the field more or less stayed in together. Py kept it smooth as well and stayed around the front sharing a bit of work. Not much exiting happening, just moving in circles, kind fast so... The sun was setting lower and lower, a little high light about half way around, but that about it. As the last lap was started Py just for fun (not intending going for the sprint at full warp at all) got on front and kept moving has fast as he thought to keep up wit heven little room for teh end... worked out OK, just got passed by some sprinters at the very end, even there he could catch and pass a few befor the line. Flying at 52km/h for all of the last lap and running at max of 190bpm for a few seconds just after passing the line...

Then waiting and watching the A's finishing there last laps.

A great evening...

... Still wondering about these 5 to 4 upgrade counting races rules and some funny buissnesses?!?!?

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